PPE Finance
We can finance PPE Purchase Orders from States, Gov't agencies as well as hospital networks (depending on their credit worthiness); bridging the gap between the Supplier's demand for 100% upfront to the State's Net 10 to Net 30. $2M and up. Fast closings. Very competitive terms.
Mutual NDA
Current Debt Schedule
Current A/R and A/P aging report (preferably detailed and in excel)
P&L and Balance Sheet (Prior full year, and most current Year to Date)
Sample customer contract (preferably the largest account)
Copy of each specific Purchase Order and Agreement related to the Purchase Order
Brief biography of the company’s principals/owners (please include any other companies owned past or present)
Borrower's Website
Brief explanation of use of funds
The Way Capital via a Certified 3M Distributor is now able to provide 3M and Honeywell PPE Masks.
All original cartons, certificates, conformity and lot number verifications.
1860 Masks - Up to 1 million/per week now available (each box has 6 packs of 120 masks)
OTG Product SOP (click PDF to download)
Warehouses: Miami, Houston, Louisville, Chicago, Southern California
Recent Pricing:
Please provide desired product, quantity and target price range.
An additional option for Ministers of Health for 3M Masks
Since the 3M masks are made in the U.S., we are teaming up with Exim Bank to insure the transactions. Exim lenders will provide an advance against invoices of shipments overseas so open credit terms can facilitate the purchase orders submitted.
DC 365 Masks - plenty to offer and monthly allocations from New Jersey or West Coast.
Nitrile Gloves - Kimberly-Clark
KC500's - Send a Query
These gloves will require a LC from a US Bank.
Freight clears through under 3M Distributor's Bond
The above is due to our relationship with a strategic partner who is the Managing Director of PPE for a Southern California boutique investment bank who provides alternative investment products through their Broker/Dealer.
They don't do production deals, only OTG. Large buyers. He brings relationships with hospital networks and certified distributors.